"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequeces of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of it's powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state."

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Rotnei Clarke was scared and quit. There's really nothing more to it!

For some, it was a sad and moving occasion the day Rotnei Clarke announced he was leaving, but not for me. I'm actually glad this kid is gone. I would prefer to have more than 10 scholarship players on the bench this year, however, if this is what it takes to be rid of John Pelphrey and have Mike Anderson back home, that's the bargain of the century. Hell, from my point of view it could be the bargain of all time.

Listening to Bo and Dudley interviewing Rotnei, I was left with the impression that all three actually believe there were countless proud memories from the time Rotnei was a member of the team. It seemed Bo and Dudley were trying to make Rotnei out as a proud son of this state, that should be praised in song, and regardless of why he left, fans should never sever their ties of loyalty for him.

The interview was particularly sad for me, since several times during it, I had trouble controlling my gag reflex. In other words, the whole thing made me sick.

There weren't that many memories. Certainly none to the magnitude as to erase the fact this kid went running to CBS when he didn't get his way. This put Mike Anderson and the university in a bad light at a national level. When he did that, it was a deal breaker with me, and all the spin in the world won't change it.

I think the reason Rotnei left is anything but worthy of respect. I truly believe Rotnei saw the new kids in the pick up games and was scared to death. I think the returning players are all quicker and stronger than Rotnei and probably fit Mike Anderson's system better than him. I would bet both Rotnei and his daddy recognized this, and without Pelphrey to assure the team is centered around Rotnei, they were afraid he might be nothing more than a role player his senior year. One thing is for certain, Mike Anderson will not play favorites, and the days of Arkansas teams playing without cohesion and unity are over.


  1. does rotnei not realize that brad stevens is probably the hottest young coaching prospect out there? my prediction: rotnei sits out while butler has another good year and next spring the offers will be too good to turn down, leaving rotnei to play for yet another new coach for his senior year.

  2. Haven't thought about that possibility. Very interesting take. Could very well happen.

  3. With Clarke as the main scoring threat, the Hogs went 46-46.

  4. He's the hardest worker that team had including the new guys.I can assure you he was not scared that is a stupid statement.He was not happy and he left big deal.

  5. saw not seen...but my opinion is that Team Clarke realized that the only way to get to the next level for him is to play the point. With BJ coming in that opportunity would be gone. Could he be a spot up shooter and play the role, yes. Look at Scotty, Al, he would have been great at that. By transferring he has another year while sitting out to hone his PG skills and maybe, just maybe make it to the next level. I hate to say it, I hate losing him, I really think he could have had a great year, but for his future this was the best move. I won't say best of luck because with him I think we would have a great first year for Mike.

  6. This kid is never playing point guard at this level---not for any great length of time. He's too slow and all the time and praticing in the world won't change that. You can't put in what God left out.

  7. bravo, Tim. Spot on buddy.

  8. Amen Tim,its called footspeed.Mr Clarke doesnt have it, never will.He cant guard anybody,cant get his shot off when d'D up.He seemed like a good kid,but there is no next level for him.If we were playin horse,he'd be an all american,but were trying to get to ncaa tourney and win championships.Bye bye Rodnei,Hello WINNING !!!
