"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequeces of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of it's powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state."

Sunday, December 26, 2010

For John Pelphrey and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: Short-handed victory? Not hardly!

After Arkansas was nearly beat at home this past week by a woeful Texas Southern team, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette labeled the victory as "short-handed". What a bunch of crap! Once again John Pelphrey and this media base are up to the same old tiring tactics they have used the last four years to keep Pelphrey propped up, and Mike Anderson out.

John Pelphrey didn't have his team focused and prepared to play forty minutes the other night, and he soon realised this. That's when he started telling himself, "I might end up needing an excuse for why my team lost to a clearly outmatched, out manned opponent. What I will do is pull Marshaun after one minute, and not play him the rest of the game. Then just hope we can pull it out without him. If we don't, I will have an excuse the media can use to explain the loss".

Those wanting to keep Pelphrey in place will say this isn't what he did, but they are wrong. Just go back and read Pelphrey's comments after the game, and ask yourself why Pelphrey even played Powell one minute?

In the end, the media didn't have to use the excuse to explain a loss, but they did use it to explain how this Arkansas team was taken to the wire by a team Oklahoma beat by thirty. Don't tell me John Pelphrey had his team ready to play the other night. People, a good coach always has his team ready to play forty minutes.

There's a bad moon rising Arkansas basketball fans. This media base is going to try and use these Arkansas kids next year to keep Pelphrey around another year and Mike Anderson out. If you are wise you will not let this media base just give Pelphrey another year.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bruce James is what I called him----a Nutt lover waiting in the tall grass for Bobby Petrino to fail.

This morning on 103.7 the Buzz, a naive and misdirected attempt was made to place before the fans the idea Bobby Petrino isn't the answer for the Arkansas program. For grounds to their claim, they implied Bobby Petrino is an abusive coach that isn't getting it done in recruiting in relation to the rest of the conference. The only alleged pieces of evidence they could present for their outlandish, deceitful statements is the fact Micheal Dyer chose Auburn over Arkansas, and Arkansas doesn't have a big time quarterback in waiting.

By their statements it is obvious they want you to believe Micheal Dyer was more concerned about Bobby Petrino's abusiveness than playing time, and that Arkansas doesn't have a big time quarterback in waiting. As for the latter, I don't know. We will see. But for the former, I know for a fact Micheal Dyer was upset Bobby Petrino wasn't promising him anything going into the recruiting season. All you need to do is listen to what Micheal Dyer said himself about it. When questioned by Randy Rainwater on Drive Time Sports on why he hadn't committed to Arkansas he said, "Coach P needed to show him more love".

As an Arkansas fan, I couldn't be more proud of Bobby Petrino. I'm glad he didn't promise this kid anything. Micheal Dyer might turn out to be a fine running back, but as it pertains to principle, our coach coach has it. Certainly more than the bunch of Nutt lovers on 103.7 the Buzz. He certainly has more than John Pelphrey, whom for the sake of winning a game, played Courtney Fortson the night after being caught shoplifting. It's funny, to them Bobby Petrino is a no recruiting, abusive, job-hopping bum. Where as, John Pelphrey is a great recruiting, disciplinarian angel, that only needs more time to turn it around. There's a reason for this people and one day when the timing is right, I'm going to put it together for you and connect the dots. Stay tuned. I will say this now, it's no accident these people go to such ridiculous lengths to put Bobby Petrino in a bad light and John Pelphrey in a good one.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Everything I claimed is happening. You would be wise not to let it.

Well, the media and administration are once again in step together as it pertains to the future of John Pelphrey. No matter how bad a coach Pelphrey has proven to be, and regardless of how far this program is falling, the media and administration are determined to keep him. There are several constants in this world and one of them is people will always have disagreements, but for the media and the administration this seems not to apply. It should seem a little odd that none of them are of the opinion keeping Pelphrey is a bad idea. You would think at least one of them would be critical about the direction things are going. Sheer odds should predict this, but not here. Fans should be asking why this is, because in the answer lay the roots for the destruction of this program.

I know the promise of a good recruiting class for next year is a good thing, but is such a class justification for turning a blind eye to the glaring deficiencies of John Pelphrey? I say it's not. What they are doing is using these young men in order satisfy their own agenda, which is by the way, going to turn out injurious to these young men and this fan base. It's their agenda that has put this program where it's at today. How long can it be allowed to continue?

What fans need to realize is these kids are from Arkansas and deserve the very best coach that can be found. Those in the media want you to believe that Pelphrey has achieved some monumental thing having these kids commit, and that he should be given more time because of it. I disagree. Pelphrey is a terrible coach being credited for nothing more than good timing. This is perfect for those that have been propping up Pelphrey the last two years. But for the fans, this program and these young men it is a cataclysmic event that will be disastrous going ahead.

The administration and media want this to be a closed deal for Pelphrey regardless of how this year turns out. This is simply unacceptable. As dark as it seems now, be not dismayed. I feel certain this travesty can be staved off. There is still plenty of time for truth to win out. Let us believe that right makes might, and in this let us to the end do our duty as we understand it to be.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Now I know how Nolan felt.

Obviously I'm going to tell what happened this week, but right now I'm still furious, hurt and completely undone. It would be unwise for me to say anything right now. Some will say I should have thought about that before cussing on the air. To them I say this, "I'm sorry for cussing on the air, but you can't intentionally run a jagged nail edged poll up my ass and tell me not to scream. Should I have cussed? I wish I hadn't, but I don't know if under the same circumstances I wouldn't do it again. I would be a liar if I said I wouldn't, because right now I'm not completely certain I was out of line. When I calm down I will lay the facts before you, and maybe together we can come to some decision about who was out of line this week. One thing is for certain here, there are worse acts than cussing on the radio.

I do want to apologise to the Razorback fans. I feel by letting them kick me off the radio, I've let you down. It's just that I know what Bo and this media base tries to get away with, and I'm just worried no one will be there to stand as a bulwark to it. In order to do so, one needs to have access to certain information in order to succeed, and I know of no one that does. One needs to see our history as it should be written, and not as it has.

I should never have let myself be volunteered for the contest. When Bo volunteered me, I should have been thoughtful enough not to let pride rule the day. I should have said, "no thank you", but I was worried about how that would make me look. This is my crime, and I fear one that comes with a death sentence. We'll see. In the end, I still have my beer, books and blog. I can spend the rest of my days content in never hearing my voice again on the radio. I never really became comfortable with it---I did it only because I felt a sense of duty.

Anyway, make sure to return tomorrow or the next day. What Bo did to me this week needs scrutinized heavily. Not for my sake, but for yours. As I said earlier, there are worse acts than cussing on the radio, and I will describe them for you. Bo isn't your friend people. Yea, he's good on the radio and he comes off clean as a fresh sheet, but down deep he's your enemy. He's not because I say so, he is because I can prove it. I matter little here in the larger picture, but Bo Mattingly figures into it greatly.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Houston Nutt interview with Dan Patrick on the transfer of Jeremiah Masoli.

To me, this interview represents every reason why we are so fortunate to have Bobby Petrino as our coach. Houston Nutt is a self-centered, nail-biting, camera watching bum that did more harm to this state and the fan base thereof, than any of the fans that lobbied long and hard then to have him removed. I proclaim boldly that I was a hater, and not a hugger. I was one darksider that did somersaults and laughed with glee the day it was announced he was leaving. In this interview with Dan Patrick, Houston Nutt validates those acts of mirth.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hey Randy and Marcus, if your going to call coaches out, try finding one that deserves it. Willie Robinson doesn't.

I'm going to say this one more time for the those that feel comfortable trashing a good man. Willy Robinson has in no way shown any sign that he may not be a good coach. The man inherited a defense that suffered by comparison to others in the league in size and quickness. Since then he has been trying to retool and get the defense the way it should be. While at the same time, trying to get things done on the field with mediocre players. In doing so, the defense has shown improvement, and they have managed to step up big in some games, not all, but some. This is a work in progress and no one should be criticized for doing a pretty good job with what Willy had to work with. I know the numbers stink, but I don't think Willy Robinson does. This year should tell us rather or not Willy Robinson can get the job done. It seems pointless to be calling for his head, and telling people he's too blame for the defense being ranked last in the conference. Especially, the week before fall camp starts.

That's exactly what Randy Rainwater and Marcus Elliott were doing Friday evening and to be honest it was very upsetting for me. Marcus Elliot routinely bashes this guy, and he does so knowing only what we all should know. This defense was not very good when Willy Robinson took them over. For one of our radio guys to be leading the "let's fire Willy" crowd is insulting when he has done nothing to be fired for. The man deserves this year, and he deserves to go into this year without heckling. People, if not for the defense stepping up against East Carolina, the Razorbacks would have lost the Liberty Bowl. The momentum this program now enjoys would have been squashed. I know this to be a foreign concept on Drive Time, but they need to give credit where it's due, and likewise criticism. It sickens me we have endured coaches like John Pelphrey, Houston Nutt, and Reggie Herring without a negative word being said. Dave Van Horn can cost Arkansas a shot at a title and this media base thinks that's good work. It's not and it never will be. Maybe one day they will actually tell it like it is. Yesterday sure wasn't it.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just another lame statement by Bo Mattingly.

It never ceases to amaze me the things Bo comes up with. Now granted, he's not stupid, but sometimes it seems like he has no memory at all. Like today when he said, "If Houston Nutt was the coach of Florida, he could win a National Championship". Now Bo, you called me a "crackhead", and told me to "lay the pipe down". Well, the same thing could likewise be said of you for having made such a stupid remark as this one.

Houston Nutt is a bum. He has always been one, and he will always be one. Now, contrary to what you claim, I know for a fact you thought this fan base ignorant for wanting better than him. Unfortunately for you, and several of your cohorts in the media, we got Petrino and that farce notion soon played itself out to be a joke. It still is Bo. See, we like recruiting inside the top twenty, which is something Houston Nutt never did here. And if he was still here, there would still be no top twenty recruiting classes. This program would have dwindled away like the basketball program is right before our eyes. It already was dwindling away in Houston Nutt's seventh and eighth years. He managed to stave it off temporarily when Gus Malzahn brought his playbook into the mix in year nine, but it wouldn't have been enough because after year ten all the talent was gone and he wouldn't have been able to replace it. The last two years would have been ugly under Houston Nutt, and this year would have been disastrous. Instead of being a team on the rise, the Razorbacks would be what Paul Fienbaum labeled them---dead weight. We would be a piece of Kelp attached to the ship going nowhere. I guess we could always go to the Big Twelve though...... Lay it down Bo, put it away.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Crackhead Bo?

During his show yesterday, Bo Mattingly called me a crackhead, and told me to lay the crack pipe down. While it was a little insulting at first, I soon realized Bo was just mad. Fact is he was furious, and had just cause to be. I knew bringing up the Mark Schlabaugh poll would do it. See, Mark has Arkansas ranked 14th and Georgia 20th.

Bo and I were arguing about how many games Arkansas would be underdogs in, and needless to say, Bo feels Arkansas will be underdogs in more than I do. I claimed Arkansas might not be underdogs in any of their games seeing we play Alabama at home. I stated last Friday, "that while Alabama might open the week as the favorite, it was my belief that by game time, the line would be closer to a pick em. My reasoning is simply this, I don't think people are that stupid. Anytime someone that knows what their doing sees a game like this one, and by this one I mean, a game in which a highly ranked team gets a higher ranked team early in the season at home, the smart money always takes the points and the home team. By doing so, the line is usually driven down. By this reasoning, I felt Bo was being way too pessimistic.

Bo then proceeded to tell me Arkansas would be underdogs in the Georgia game. His buddy Dudley even stated yesterday he felt Georgia would be favored, and would win the game. I couldn't help but think this too was pessimistic. For one, while Arkansas should be an underdog, the facts really say something else. Georgia will be starting the season with a new quarterback, and a new defensive coordinator. Not to mention their defensive line and secondary has problems. This being the case, it's hard for me to imagine anyone could honestly believe Arkansas should be an underdog. Georgia will be favored because their at home, but should they be? Bo said, "any team that is ranked higher and at home will be a favorite. Me finding him as pessimistic as I do, and a little upset he picked Ole Miss 5th in the west, I couldn't help bringing up Mark Schlabaugh's poll, and asking him again how many teams Arkansas would be underdogs against. According to Bo's philosophy and Mark Schlabaugh's poll, there's only one and it's not Georgia.

The sum of the whole is this. It's alright to believe we can win it all. It's perfectly within our bounds this season to believe we are the best team in the country. It doesn't mean your on "crack" if you say it. Fact is, there's really not a game on our schedule we can't win. Whether we do or not remains to be seen, but no one should be afraid of getting excited by the prospects. Bo will try hard this week to dampen your blanket from the media days, but remember, he's from Florida and loves Houston Nutt. He would love to see Arkansas and Bobby Petrino flop, and Ole Miss finish third behind Alabama and Auburn. He's the kind of guy that will bring his buddy Joe Schad on because he has Arkansas 26th in some spreadsheet survey and lob softballs at him .

Monday, July 19, 2010

Here's the problem.

Arkansas is steadily getting better and the possibilities of this year are limitless, but fans are being held captive by a media base that supported Houston Nutt. They not only supported Houston Nutt, they said, "you were crazy for wanting better". They said, "Houston Nutt did all one could possibly do at Arkansas, and it was fans ignorance for not recognizing it". In their forecast for the future under Bobby Petrino, they said nothing about the silver linings, and they still don't. Where Arkansas is today is looked upon by them as some illusion of prosperity that we promised ourselves when we decided to take our fate out of their hands and put it in our own. By thier actions, the media say, "only complete collapse can follow such irresponsible policies". Those policies being this and only this: us not taking their advice as it pertains to Houston Nutt and Bobby Petrino. One was a great coach, the other a "job hopping bum". Remember?

The reason fans are being held captive is this, they are having to conceal their excitement, or be called a fool by those that wanted to go another way. These chains have been put on us by people that had a different vision of posterity than ours. Their vision included Houston Nutt and his nail-biting, rah-rah style which only resulted in mediocrity. Ours is a vision of excellence, discipline, and hard work, that eventually pays off in rich rewards---recognition, championships, trophies----achievement. Ours is a vision that can only be obtained as a collective. That's not the case with the ones that have columns and radio programs, they can achieve these on their own---and you can bet your fancy they hope they will never hear us say, "I told you so!" That's suppose to be their domain.

I will leave you with some not so great words once spoken. Three years ago when Arkansas beat Lsu, David Bazzle said on Monday morning in referring to Houston Nutt, "you can't touch him, you can't touch him, you can't touch him!" Well David, your not MC Hammer and we did touch him---Who can really argue now that we shouldn't have? Not even Tommy Smith, aka "Colonel Reb", can agree with you now on this. By the end of the year, you won't even be able to find an Ole Miss fan that will agree with you.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bo is silly.

The Big Twelve nearly collapsed, and Bo Mattingly lobbied this fan base to consider moving to the the Big Twelve. Imagine that. After nearly falling apart, Bo Mattingly honestly told this fan base they should consider moving to the Big Twelve. He said, "you might have an opportunity to benefit from their collapse." He then proceeded to try and convince you that we're nothing more than the ugly stepsister of the SEC. He went as far as to imply Arkansas will never really compete against Florida, Alabama, Auburn, Georgia, Tennessee and Lsu. "In moving to the Big Twelve, Arkansas would be able to rekindle natural rivalries, and help themselves considerably in recruiting"..... Really Bo? You just sound like the guy you really are---A guy from Florida that finds himself the mouthpiece for Espn and an Athletic Administration with an agenda contrary to the fans benefit. Down deep you think we are silly little people and proved it with Houston Nutt. In your opinion, Arkansas fans think way to highly of themselves. You think the hog call is ignorant and the hog hat to be comical. People in Florida don't wear them----they're way too cool for that. Watch what happens this week---For one, Houston Nutt didn't average eight wins a year here. That's about as silly as you are---not quite as silly though, as Joe Schad's poll. I hope you had fun over the last month, because I'm going to next week.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Quit Jerking Us Around Dudley.

Last week Dudley Dawson said, "Arkansas will not be able to take the step everyone is hoping for this year in basketball". He said this after finding out Kevin Noreen would not be coming to Arkansas. While he is correct about this Arkansas team not taking any great steps forward, does he honestly believe we believed he thought they would even with the addition of Noreen? Think about it. Noreen would still have been a freshmen. Even at 6'10, this kid would obviously need considerable time in the weight room and on the floor against SEC talent to develop into the difference maker Dudley claimed he was. Basically, there is no way Dudley could have possibly thought this team to be a tournament team with Noreen. He was just helping Jeff Long keep Pelphrey in place for another year by putting a spin on it. Now he will start helping pave the way for Pelphrey the year after next by talking about the big three and culture changes. Quit jerking us around Dudley!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Shall Return!

Your not going to want to miss it....I'll explain later.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Courtney Fortsons' comments say it all.

I've always known there was more to Courtney Fortson's lengthy suspension than what was being said. This week Courtney made some comments to Bo Mattingly that verifies everything I've claimed. Once again, John Pelphrey, Jeff Long, and several influential media persons have taken advantage of a young man in order to cover up their improprieties of the past. They did this to maintain John Pelphrey as coach and to deny Mike Anderson a chance to return home. I started to write about it this week after hearing Frank Broyles last week, but I was tied up by the results of the baseball tournament, and the rumor about Arkansas going to the Big Twelve. Rather than blogging, I was forced to pick up the phone and call in. In doing so, my blog was neglected and the stuff I planned for this week was shoved aside. However, I will be picking it back up and posting the first installment on Monday evening. Stay tuned--it's going to be good.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The excuses are rolling in.

The Hogs lost and there is only one person too blame, Dave Van Horn. This team was good enough to win it all this year, and now after losing, the morning shows are blaming injuries and saying Arkansas got farther than they should have. I can't wait to see what Bo says---as if we don't already know.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dave Van Horn gave the game away....away....away!

Last night after Arkansas managed to tie the game, Dave Van Horn benched Bolsinger and opted to go with Heatley. Why would he do that? Bolsinger had only given up 3 runs, and Van Horn decided not to change pitchers when Bolsinger was in the jam. He only gave up three runs, and managed to get out of the inning when it could have been a lot worse. It was a small victory, and the team managed to come right back and tie the game. This probably would have settled Bolsinger down. Heatley did allow Arizona State to retake the lead that inning. Too me, taking Bolsinger out at that moment was stupid, but not nearly as stupid as Dave Van Horns' decision not to go with Eibner when Arkansas had the one run lead in the bottom of the ninth. Instead, Van Horn stayed with Pratt and he ended up allowing the tying run. I assumed when Pratt came out to start the ninth that Eibner was unable to go, but that wasn't the case, Van Horn brought him to the mound in relief of Pratt. The announcers were stunned Van Horn decided to go with Pratt to start the inning, and after Arkansas gave up the tying run and Van Horn went to Eibner, they couldn't stop themselves from calling it a "blunder" by Van Horn. They were right.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Watch out Frank Broyles. Your adding fuel to the fire when you make blunders like that.

Earlier this week when Frank Broyles stated Arkansas wouldn't have been invited to the Big Twelve when it formed is perfect for my next discourse. I've always claimed Frank Broyles is responsible for the destruction of our basketball program, and that his actions, along with others, are nothing short of criminal acts. Starting Monday, I will tell my readers the real facts surrounding the firing of Nolan Richardson, the tenure of Stan Heath, the hiring of John Pelphrey, and the truth about the people that allowed Frank Broyles to get away with hoodwinking the fans. In between, I will also be commenting about the baseball team. I for one hope they pull this series out against Arizona State, because I would prefer not having to deal with it, but something is telling me I'm going to have to.

They should have made the College World Series this year, and their chances of doing so would have been considerably better if this team had not, for the last two years, dumped eight or nine games in a row coming down the stretch. Both times it has cost this team a bid to host a super regional. No team this talented should ever lose that many in a row. Last year they got away with it, but this year, this team is having to play the overall number one seed at their place, and this is inexcusable for this talent laden team. There will be no excuses if they are unable to pull it off. This team was destined for the College World Series when this season started, and Dave Van Horn will be under scrutiny if they don't make it, I promise. So please Dave Van Horn, get this team ready to play. I'm Tim From Little Rock, go Hogs!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Frank Broyles Is Senile.

Obviously, although he didn't sound like it, Frank Broyles has lost his mind. He actually took the airways today and said, "if Arkansas hadn't made the decision to go to the SEC, we wouldn't have been invited to the Big Twelve. I've been told that over and over again".

Bo Mattingly even acted like this was credible. He said, "that's big news. I've never heard that." Duh! No one has. That's why it's not news, and most definitely not credible. For one, Arkansas left the Southwest Conference in 1990, and the Big Twelve didn't form until 1996. Second, it's Frank Broyles saying it---- A man that wants to protect his legacy, and enhance it if he can.

When Frank Broyles left three years ago, there were numerous people across this state who formed the opinion, Frank Broyles was no longer capable of handling the position of Athletic Director. This was influenced by peoples impression Frank became too concerned about his legacy, and was no longer acting in the University's best interest. These impressions were, in part, formed by Nolan Richardson's firing, and Frank's refusal to fire Houston Nutt for two years. You can't forget the botched Dana Altman introduction and the negative feelings surrounding the hiring of Altman, which subsequently, prompted Altman to resign the next day.

Frank was a good Athletic director one time, and he did get Arkansas into the Sec, but in the end it was obvious he stayed too long. What Broyles said today deserves no merit. It was simply an old man still worried about protecting his legacy. Too me, he has to be considered senile for once believing his legacy needed saving--- Four years with Pelphrey hasn't been enough to destroy it.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Make up your mind Jimmy. And quit lying Bo.

Two weeks ago Jimmy Dykes announced it was his belief that there are only a few "difference makers" as it pertains to coaches in Collegiate athletics. Today, he shows up and right off the bat disagrees with Bo about the importance of the coach. Jimmy said, "Bo, I disagree with that, it's the coaches that motivate and get these kids to play their best". Well Jimmy, are there only a few that do this? By your statement two weeks ago it's really hard to tell what you believe. Do me a favor, get it straight. Which is it? Someone that is professional, like yourself, should have a better grasp on what he believes or doesn't believe! This was a total contradiction in a period of two weeks

Bo took a shot at me again. He said, "just because a coach leaves Bolsinger in the game too long doesn't mean he is a bad coach". That's correct Bo, it doesn't necessarily mean that, but it could. One thing's for sure, it was a bad decision by Dave Van Horn. It did cost them the game and force an elimination game the next night. But that isn't even the point and you know it. The point here is, you showed up the next day blaming injuries and errors for the loss. That was insulting too me. For you to sit there and excuse it is simply inexcusable. Dave Van Horn's job isn't in jeopardy, and he doesn't need you making excuses for his bad decisions. This fan base does need you to tell it like it is though about these coaches, and this is just another instance where you refused to do it.

Bo said yesterday that he never has presented himself to the fans as an "exclusive source". I knew he was lying though. I happen to listen everyday to the intro leading into his show where they introduce themselves as "Arkansas' exclusive source". I've heard it a thousand times. But we won't any longer, they've recently changed it. I guess that's why he felt comfortable lying about it yesterday live on air when he had his back to the wall.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bo's up to his old tricks

Dave Van Horn cost Arkansas a game the other night when he refused to pull Bolsinger when it was obvious he didn't have his best stuff. This forced an elimination game, one Arkansas should never have been in, but Bo Mattingly refused to scrutinize the decision by Dave Van Horn to leave Bolsinger in the game. Rather, he came on air the next day talking about injuries and errors. Not a word critical about Dave Van Horns' decision when it was obvious to any listener or observer why Arkansas lost the game. That loss relegated the Hogs to coming back the next night for an elimination game. I pointed this out to him and he acted as if I was crazy for wanting him to tell it straight. Too me, a coach needs the scrutiny to be his best, but Bo thinks that would be out of line. Bo, if it's not your place to scrutinize coaches of the University of Arkansas who will? The fans can't, Jeff Long's refusal to act on Pelphrey has proven this. If you scrutinize Pelphrey, Jeff Long has to listen, and this fan base might be able to have hope as it pertains to the basketball team. We would have Mike Anderson as coach and the program would be in the hands of a guy that can coach.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

There's A Storm Coming.

Over the last three month's, the media of this state have managed their way through the rocky course that challenged them after Arkansas lost to Georgia in the SEC Tournament. Arkansas had dumped seven of their last eight games and the media found themselves clueless about what to say to the fans. Back earlier in the season, after the Razorbacks managed a five game win streak, this media base ecstatically proclaimed, "Pelphrey is the man". The media thought they had succeeded in keeping Pelphrey propped up and Mike Anderson out. They jumped to these conclusions way too soon and I told them so. I knew the win streak bared no facts or evidence contrary to what had already been judged about Pelphrey by the fans. The win streak came on the back of teams with a combined RPI rating of 115, and could hardly be called impressive. However, the media acted like this team had climbed a mountain of conquest. They acted like John Pelphrey was really coming into his own. Bo Mattingly said, "some of you are starting to see the real John Pelphrey, your getting to know him". Bo acted as if all those that claimed Pelphrey was a terrible coach had crow to eat. Well, it was Bo and his cronies that should've been eating crow after the seven of eight game losing streak, and the embarrassing loss to Georgia in the SEC tournament. They should have ate crow and then apologised for ever using John Pelphrey and the words "good coach" together in the same sentence.

Over the next few days I will be writing everything I know about the lengthy Fortson suspension, about the media's ploy this past season concerning Fortson, and their subsequent ploys at the end of the season---Ricardo Ratliff, Mark Gottfried, James Dickey, hiring AAU coaches, and what it all means for the fan----It's not good.

Over the next few days, I'm going to take shots at the media, Jeff Long, and John Pelphrey. What has went on here is criminal and I'm fixing to tell my readers how.

Friday, June 4, 2010

There Will Be No Miracles For John Pelphrey.

Luck is always on the side of those that have earned it, and history always sides with those that have fought the good fight and refused to give up. John Pelphrey represents everything that is corrupt and rotten, and in no way entitled to such distinctions or consideration. Pelphrey represents mediocrity, but wears the clothes of hope and success. These are bestowed on him by the media who are driven by a queer agenda. That's to say, "it's odd or peculiar".

One can understand their strategy, but only in context of the general situation. The media have their hands over their mouths. They can no longer tell the truth to their own people. They are being pursued by people for truth and they can hardly say things as they are. With John Pelphrey their in a tight spot. They can't tell their people the sad facts about him, since his tenure has turned out completely different than they were hoping for. They are now forced to save face, to cover up for Pelphrey's loses, and to invent victories that really don't exist. They will never admit that their lies and cover ups have given most people a false and misleading picture of the situation. Rather, they employ tactics aimed at protesting against peoples "unreasonable expectations". They do this without ever giving clear reasons why the expectations are unreasonable.

Have no fear though, in all their efforts to minimize the fans outrage against Pelphrey, and to further themselves and their queer agenda, the media have ensured they are the one's holding a "unreasonable expectation", and it will become evident to all over the next few month's. They weren't given the 96 team expansion and Pelphrey's team will be on the outside looking in again, and they know it. Their going to be forced to invent other ways to convince people Pelphrey needs another year. This time they will find the most unpleasant of surprises, we're not having it.

I have some good stuff in the works to bring you over the next day or two. Your not going to want to miss it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bo And Jimmy Are Tag Teaming Us

These guys just won't stop. Bo interviews Pelhrey, drags some quotes out of him, and then Jimmy comes on to affirm what Pelphrey has said. Then Jimmy starts talking about what kind of good guy Pelphrey is and how well thought of he is. Jimmy then tells us that every time someone finds out he's from Arkansas they want to talk about Pelphrey.... Really Jimmy? I find that hard to believe. For one, Pelphrey isn't a good guy or coach. A good guy doesn't play players that miss curfew and shoplift just because he needs to win a game. He can't be a good guy in that scenario, nor can he be a good coach. Only a bad coach finds himself in the position to sacrifice his principle for the sake of a win. A good coach doesn't need a win that bad.

I wish you guys would just stop. You can keep on telling us Pelphrey is a stand up guy till your blue in the face, but the facts say different boys. Pelphreys' actions say different boys. It's like I've said all along, you people think if you just keep saying it, and run off all those that know different, it will suddenly become that way.... It won't though, I promise you.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

For My Readers Who Love History

Those who love history and love to read about it should take a look at the list below. These are books I've read and would recommend to my all my readers. It's a diverse list and should have something for everyone on it. I will add to it when I read something good.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Why I Wanted The Auburn Game Tape...

After considerable thought I have decided to explain why I wanted the Auburn game tape the year before last . I intended to wait for Bo to return, but I've changed my mind. Here it is. I will be from time to time refining it in order to perfectly capture the impropriety of this media base. This incident took place last year and there have been numerous other incidences since---I intend to get to all of them---I kept notes.

After the Arkansas vs Auburn game the year before last, John Pelphrey suspended Courtney Fortson. Surely I can assume everyone remembers this. What most might not remember is why Pelphrey suspended Fortson. It wasn't for the flagrant foul he picked up early in the first half. It wasn't because Fortson basically quit in the second half. It wasn't because on three strait offensive possessions Fortson walked to the corner and waved Stephan Welsch off when Welsch was pleading with Fortson to come and get the ball. It wasn't because of the poor attitude Fortson exhibited all night long. It wasn't even about the technical foul Fortson picked up in the second half after arguing with the referee who called the fifth foul on him...John Pelphrey suspended Fortson for a "non-isolated incident".

That's what he told reporters the next morning during his press conference. After informing the media he was suspending Fortson, Pelphrey said, "this one's on me, it's my decision to suspend him". When asked why he was suspending Fortson, Pelphrey proceeded to tell reporters that, "we have to have discipline". One reporter asked him if it was because of the technical, and being the staunch disciplinarian he is, Pelphrey replied, "it wasn't about the technical, I get technicals. It wouldn't be fair for me to suspend players for something I do". (Imagine that people!!!)

I guess that's why Bo Mattingly on his show that day bumped Pelphrey up a rung on his ladder of respect. Bo said, "this guy gets bumped up on my ladder of respect. He's suspending Fortson before the biggest game of the year. That's a guy that cares more about principle than pride. Kentucky's coming in here on Saturday and the game is on National Television, and Pelphrey, a guy from Kentucky, is suspending his best player. I respect that".--- I didn't Bo, and you know it. No one should have.

What happened at Auburn that night with Fortson was bad people, but not near as bad as what the media of this state tried to get away with the following day. If it weren't for someone that was there that night, none of what your reading would be public knowledge. The media, the University, and John Pelphrey would have gotten away with it.

That night in Auburn, Alabama there was a plot hatched. It started the minute the game was over.

When Arkansas dumped yet another half time lead and lost to Auburn, the Razorbacks went to 1-8 in SEC play. After thrilling all of us with their wins over Oklahoma and Texas, and their 12-1 start, this team had managed to plummet to the bottom of the SEC. This fan base was restless and still not sure about John Pelphrey. This team lost by their largest margin ever in BWA, and had their worse start ever in SEC play that year. Pelphrey was on the hot seat, and after his team managed to dump several half time leads only to lose by double digits, the possibilities of winning another game looked bleak.

The media were already in prop up mode before this loss to Auburn. It started after the 0-3 start in SEC play and the departure of Marcus Monk. I remember it vividly. After Arkansas lost to Florida on a Saturday afternoon to go 0-3 in SEC play, Wally Hall wrote an article on Tuesday claiming the program was in "good hands and on solid ground". I found this funny seeing that on Saturday after the game with Florida, one of Arkansas' players was arrested shortly after getting off the plane for DWI. After the 0-3 start and several other player suspensions that year, the program seemed too me that it was in anything but good hands and on solid ground. But as it was, this media base started exhausting their excuse pool right then, and with every loss you could tell they were scrambling for something good to say about Pelphrey. But they always found refuge in their efforts to make Pelphrey the disciplinarian, and it hasn't stopped to this day despite all my efforts to rebut them.

When Arkansas lost to Auburn that night the game wasn't televised here. The media knew this. They also knew this fan base was growing anxious and Pelphrey's tenure was in jeopardy. If they were unable to convince the fans this wasn't Pelphrey's fault, and that he was a disciplinarian, it was going to be hard to maintain him. So they decided to take advantage of the fact fans hadn't seen what transpired on the floor that night. With a little planning they came up with the idea that by suspending Fortson and labeling it "not an isolated incident", they could kill two birds with one stone. They would be able to praise Pelphrey as a disciplinarian, and excuse the next loss.

Courtney Fortson's actions on the floor that night demanded John Pelphrey take action, but this media base ignored their duty, and I was the only person to notice it. Fortson did commit the stupid, senseless flagrant foul early, and he did jaw with the referee after he called the fifth foul on him. However, there were other things Fortson did in the game that weren't mentioned. (check the links at the bottom). That's why everyone was forced to stand by while this media base bumped Pelphrey up a rung on the ladder of respect for having suspended Fortson. Had we watched the game we would have known why Fortson was suspended, and we sure as hell wouldn't have been bumping Pelphrey up on the ladder of respect. Quite the contrary, we would have viewed it as it really was--- Pelphrey lost control of one of his players and his team dumped another game they were leading at halftime. This incident would have reflected directly upon the perception of the coaching ability of John Pelphrey.

In the fans eyes, Pelphrey would have been responsible for the incident---he's the coach. The media knew this and that is why they covered it up. Generally, whenever a team falls apart on the floor, the coach will assume responsibility for the incident, but as we've seen here time and time again, this coach won't. Likewise with the media, whenever they should hold him accountable, they blatantly refuse to do it. That night in Auburn, the fans of this state wanting a new coach were robbed, deceived, and cheated out of the truth.

I really find it perfect irony because seven games later, and a couple of more technical fouls, Fortson was on the floor against Florida in the SEC tournament. This after being caught shoplifting a night or two earlier with Jason Henry at Wal-Mart. This time the media wanted Pelphrey to get the win, and without Fortson they knew it was impossible. They felt sure they could cover it up because there wasn't a police report. In a period of a couple of weeks, this media base covered up two significant incidences in an effort to keep this lame, pathetic coach propped up.

I hope now people will see what the media did. They had Pelphrey say it wasn't an isolated incident so they could deflect attention from the fact Fortson should've been suspended for his actions in the game. Then they stood down and floated softballs at Pelphrey the next day in the press conference. This wasn't a coach trying to make a point with a young man, and it wasn't reporters in search of the truth for the fan base they serve. This was a coach desperate for the media to make him look like a disciplinarian, and a media base desperate to make him look like a disciplinarian. That's why when Fortson shoplifted and Pelphrey played him for the sake of a win, they turned their heads and never mentioned it---and spent the next year telling us what a character driven guy Pelphrey was and how he was restoring discipline back to the program. Well, he's not, and their criminals. They have committed fraud people.

I have posted some links for the reader to look at. One of them is the press conference. Keep in mind we didn't watch the game, and that Pelphrey says it wasn't an isolated incident. Also, remember that had we watched the game, this media base could not have bumped him up on the ladder of respect. We would have known why he suspended him, and that it was an isolated incident---it was because of what happened in the game. This bandying of words by Pelphrey was just a ploy by the media so they could get their talking points changed to Pelphrey being a disciplinarian. If we had watched the game they couldn't have pulled this. Think about it. And oh, listen closely to Pelphrey give his players the green light to argue with the referees and draw technical fouls---Remember the Vanderbilt game when Welsch tried to trip the player going out of bounds. Had he been successful, and had the referee called a technical for it, John Pelphrey would've played him the next game. There wouldn't have been a suspension. I guess now, we know why these sort of things have plagued Pelphrey's tenure. John Pelphrey is the leader of this team and he is no "disciplinarian angel"! I'm Tim From Little Rock, Have a good day.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPsq9i1KOkY I wish I had the whole press conference, but I don't.



Saturday, May 29, 2010

In response to a reader---There is good and bad propaganda .

Yesterday a reader posted a comment in response to my blog. After reading it I found myself entranced in thought. The reader informed me that my post seemed to him as the "pot calling the kettle black". While I don't agree with the analogy, I do see what he was saying, and in a sense he is correct. While some might think it's useless to be discussing propaganda, I'm going to disagree. I've embarked on a mission to spread the truth as I know it to be, and by definition this is propaganda. Before I do begin to impart my version of the truth to the reader, I'm going to try and make some sense of what is good propaganda and what is bad propaganda. So let us discuss the theory of propaganda---hopefully it will be beneficial as we move forward into the challenging days that lay ahead.

One might assume if propaganda is successful it's good--- if it is able to win over people and fire them up for an idea. Likewise, if it's unsuccessful it's presumably bad. However, I don't subscribe to this theory. I feel propaganda can be successful and be crude, corrupt, and indecent. History has proven this. I'm a Presidential Scholar and I'm vastly read in the art of History. I can assure you it's the idea behind the propaganda that determines rather or not the propaganda is good or bad. It's success is of little consequence.

Ideas are like shoveling fleas across the barnyard, most never reach the desired location. However, if an idea is able to affect a persons attitude, it usually will rest and reside with the person. That is why when someone comes along that is able to put into words what people are feeling, the people scream, "finally". That is what I'm hoping for every time I call Bo or some other radio personality. It's what I hope this blog will do. I am a propagandists!

Until yesterday, I never really looked at myself as a propagandists. Had it not been for the reader mentioned earlier, I might never have entertained the thought. I always considered Bo and the others to be propagandists. I viewed myself as someone ready to fight the propagandists because what they preach is factually wrong. I've always judged my actions to be driven by duty.

I've built my whole system of thought on my beliefs, and tried hard to developed them into clear ideas. I know it hasn't come across that way on the radio. I knew it wasn't when I was doing it---but that's me. I didn't care. I never had considered myself a propagandists. I only wanted to let them know I knew the facts to be different. I thought with passion and truth it would some how be enough; I only wanted to win them over, or prevent them from doing what they were trying to do--you know, the proverbial wrench in the spokes. I see now they can't be persuaded to stop what they are doing--- it's their duty.

It sickens me now I never once considered the listener, nor did I try to win them over with my ideas. I'm not sure this could ever be achieved in that arena, but maybe with this blog and factual truth, it can be. Over the next few weeks it will be up to you to balance the truth, and to determine what is good propaganda and what is bad. It's all about ideas, motivations, and the forces driving them. History proves that the greatest world movements have always developed when their leaders knew how to unify their followers under a short, clear theme. Someone once said, "Knowledge does not remain the property of a certain people, but fights for power. Ideas are preached by individuals, individuals who will never be satisfied with the knowledge remaining theirs alone. When one knows something one does not keep it secret. One seeks those who should know it". This is correct. An idea can develop into a worldview, but the objective here is a state view.

I will do my part and try to be crisp, understandable, and sober when writing about the knowledge and evidence I have. Hopefully a broad movement will develop--not for me---but for the truth that will resurrect our Basketball Program and set it free to conquer the world again. I'm Tim from Little Rock and I wish all of you a great Memorial Day weekend.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Media and how the University of Arkansas is benefitting from them

As it pertains to the University of Arkansas and the Athletic Programs of it, everything should be discussed openly. Every Arkansan should realise they have a claim to the right of an opinion on any and all questions. One might like Bobby Petrino, the other might not, one supports Jeff long, one might not support Jeff Long, one's a hater, the other a hugger. There is nothing wrong with this. It isn't dishonorable to choose one side or the other of a question. Discussions happen everyday in public, and where matters are unclear or confused it is usually settled by argument and counter argument.

There is now a problem being discussed publicly and debated: The tenure of John Pelphrey. These debates are being held without all facts being put forward by the media---the ones charged with the duty. Whenever the media is allowed to get away with skewing, tainting, and covering up pertinent facts for some agenda they hold, it is the people who are kept in ignorance, and generally no honest good can come from any debate. This is the problem confronting us now.

The media in this state are no longer reporters. They have become propagandists for the University. And like all propagandists, they attack their attackers with lightning speed from their positions of safety and they use their abilities to crush any challenger to them. They quickly turn their attacker's charge back on them, and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the hater. At that moment, one would be making the biggest of mistakes to try and defend themselves. That is what the propagandists wants. He can invent a new lie every day for the enemy to respond to, and the result is the enemy of the propagandists spends all of his time defending himself and has very little time to do what the propagandists is really fearing: an attack. This is the nature of things, and it's exactly what I'm experiencing now. I'm Tim From Little Rock and I intend for this blog to serve as an instrument of attack. I have the information needed to attack these people and that is what I'm doing. Please follow along.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

What an interesting day....

I intended to tell my readers about the Auburn game tape today, but I was sidetracked when Bo Mattingly decided to take a powder the rest of the week. I had it written and I was ready to post it, but when I heard Bo wasn't there I started thinking I might need to wait. See, I'm reluctant to post it until Bo returns because it will be out there too long without anyway to confirm the facts. That wouldn't be any fun, and it will give him over a week to come up with a way to worm out of it. It's like I told the great Nolan Richardson one time, "Bo's slick as a weasel".

Bo told us yesterday that he would be down there next week, he just didn't mention yesterday he wouldn't be here the rest of this week. Did he? I might have missed it, but I don't think so. Maybe my readers can confirm rather or not if he mentioned it.

I think he read my blog last night or this morning and seen I was going to be writing about the Auburn incident, and decided it might be better to go ahead and take the rest of the week off. He was probably hoping I would be stupid enough to post it anyway. Well, He won't be obliged.

So, for the sake of not giving these twits a week to come up with some escape---and they're going to want to---I will be holding off posting it until Bo returns. I'm Sorry. However, I will be posting on a topic of utmost importance that your not going to want to miss---At least I hope not. Good night, this is Tim from Little Rock signing off.

Condolences to Russ Mckinney...

I tried again to get Shawn and Wally's email address. Russ apologised to me and informed me his son died last week. I would like to take this time to offer him my condolences.

Russ Mckinney didn't like being in my Hall of Shame.

I just called Shawn and Wally's show and asked for their email address. Russ asked me who I was. When I told him he flew into a cussing rage. He told me to, "go and f... myself". He said, "look it up on the internet, you seem to have found your way around it". I guess he didn't like seeing his name on my Hall of Shame.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ketchup Stains? I would like to hear about it, Equivocator

Today, Bo compared Pelphrey's tenure to ketchup stains on a shirt. That's absolutely the lamest analogy I've ever heard. Even if the facts he based this on were true, which they're not, it would still be a lame analogy. The only stains he should be talking about are the ones left by John Pelphrey, because his impact on this program has definitely left us in disrepute.

Bo constantly tries to imply Pelphrey took over a situation that was untenable. He wants you to believe there were twelve of thirteen ineligible. He thinks by saying it enough times it will eventually be that way. He doesn't care that Pelphrey had a full roster against Wofford University in his first game as coach of the Razorbacks, but I can't bring myself to overlook it. There wasn't twelve ineligible, but even if there were, it didn't keep them from playing in the first game that year. So tell me, why should it matter three years later? It shouldn't!

Bo is just desperate to keep Pelphrey propped up so the University won't be forced into conducting another coaching search right now. He knows as I do any coaching search conducted will have to include Mike Anderson, and that's something the University and several influential media persons are so dearly wanting to avoid. They know if Mike Anderson does come back he's going to have a big microphone, a big platform, and a long memory.

This is why they refuse to hold Pelphrey accountable. It's Like when Courtney Fortson was caught shoplifting with Jason Henry at Wal-Mart. They all knew about it, but none of them said a word when Pelphrey played Fortson the next night against Florida in the SEC Tournament. Fact is, the media around here were more desperate for the win than John Pelphrey was. They knew after the 2-14 slide they had their hands full to keep him propped up. So for the sake of winning a game, and keeping Pelphrey in place, they threw principle out the window and turned their heads. They knew there wasn't a police report and they thought they could cover it up. Talk about character and a coach that's bringing discipline to a program---what a joke!

I'm going to let it ride for now, Mash is on. But I can promise before I'm through here I'm going to get all of them----It's just a matter of time People. Before I'm finished, the history around here is going to be revised.

I'll be discussing the Auburn game tape next.

The GPA was 2.04 when Pelphrey took over.

Some have requested my source.


Move on Bo, you've saved enough face.

Bo knows Texas is never coming to the SEC--- But because Craig James said he didn't know diddly, this fan base is having to set by, bored to death, while Bo trys to save face. It's about as stupid as the notion there are only a few coaches who are difference makers. Please Bo, get over it and move on. There are more important things you could find to talk about on your show. I have an idea, why don't you tell us why Dudley lied about the grade point average. He said the GPA was 1.5 when Pelphrey took over. I know for a fact it was actually 2.04. Did he think the 1.5 GPA would make the lie about 12 of 13 being ineligible sound better?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mission Statement

Bo Mattingly recommended that I start a blog. He said, "I'm sure it would be mildly entertaining". Well, I don't know how entertaining it will be, but I can promise the readers I will keep him honest. Normally I would call and confront him, but for the last couple of weeks I haven't been welcomed on his program. I guess he grew tired of me always ruining his lame efforts to deceive this fan base about the truth surrounding the coaching tenure of John Pelphrey. Well Bo, you can run, but you can't hide. Not now! In your efforts to remove the only caller aware of your impropriety from your show, you've now relegated yourself without any power to combat me. You no longer have your finger on the delay button, and you can no longer cut me off. I'm going to continue what I 've always done-----I'm going to hound, harass, and demand you tell it like it is or get the hell out of here. I'm sick of your Symphony of Death, and your incessant propping up of John Pelphrey. Craig James was right--- Bo, Don't know Diddly!

While I might not be a good writer, I do try hard at it. Fact is, I've been documenting and investigating the events surrounding the collapse of the basketball program for over four years now. I will be sharing this knowledge with my readers. I will bring to light the corruption that exists in this state, and how the media of this state have propagated this corruption. The readers of this blog better be ready to be enlightened, because I have the dirt and I intend to hold accountable those guilty of destroying this Basketball Program!